Title Unknown
When I was 15, depression took over my life.
The reasons do not matter.
I went into hiding - drowning in my hoodies, hibernating in my bed...
The Reform Club, London, England in 1872
I am Phileas Fogg. On this day October 2, 1872, I have employed a Frenchmen
named Passpartout. He will be my new servant as i only need one. I have
left ...
I should know what to post but I don't so...
Welp, I'm supposed to maintain this so I guess I should post something.
I'll write about something that I enjoy I suppose. I should post a form of
new medi...
Spring Break
My spring break largely consisted of visiting both my family and my
fiance's family. I also had plenty of lazy days and a night out at a bar.
Overall, this...
It's strange to think of how YouTube has progressed as a website. It
started in 2005, which makes it 13, depending on the month it was released.
It grew fr...
Chinese New Year: The Year of the Dog
As the Chinese New Year: The Year of the Dog began, I began to dwell on my
dog, Precious, who I recently lost to old age (13 years old). I decided to
This a link to an article about a person who paid $20 for a teapot and sold it for $806,000. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/good-news/bargain-hunter-paid-dollar20-for-old-south-carolina-teapot-it-just-sold-for-dollar806000/ar-BBJCpPj?OCID=ansmsnnews11
This is the final draft of my video for promoting the English for New Media program here at Dakota State University. Please give me feedback on this video or make a comment on it. Thank you for watching!
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